Vice president Joe Loco

The vice-presidents of the association are elected by the presidium from among the members of the presidium. Their term of office is the same as that of the Presidium. The vice-presidents are bound by the decisions of the presidium and represent the association in the areas or matters entrusted to them by the presidium. They shall stand in for the President when he is unable to perform his duties.
The Treasurer is not a separate position in the Presidium; it is a member of the Presidium who, as part of his/her work in the Presidium, carries out activities related to the management of property and finances.
As a member of the presidium, the treasurer is responsible for the management of the association, keeps accounts, is responsible for cash, bank accounts, membership stamps and other valuables. He/she shall receive the accounts of the funds provided by the responsible persons entrusted with the management of these funds in the form of sub-budgets.
It shall submit a report on the management of the association to the general meeting. He/she shall also keep the members of the Presidium and the Audit Committee informed of important facts concerning the Society's management and shall provide them, on request, with a summary of income and expenditure for the required period. The budget plan approved by the Presidium shall be submitted to the General Assembly for approval. The housekeeper shall keep any tax records and fulfil all tax obligations for the association.


AWS 482, SASS 100997
Tel.: +420 605 262 776
